An Account Aggregator (AA) is an entity regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). They use technology to share or transfer an individual’s (policyholder/accountholder) information within the Account Aggregator network of financial institutions, insurance companies, or mutual fund firms. The information transfer is carried out securely, where the data is encrypted and digitally signed.
However, all this information cannot be shared or transferred without the individual’s or consumer’s consent. The Account Aggregator can also enable consumers to share the information or even withdraw it selectively. You can use your financial data to get access to multiple financial services for your individual or business needs.
To know more about Account Aggregator ecosystem, please visit
Entity | Regulatory Type | CAMS |
Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd | Insurer | LIVE |
*Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Limited shall act as both FIP as well as FIU in account aggregator ecosystem
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